Source code for mici.solvers

"""Solvers for non-linear systems of equations for implicit integrators."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol

import numpy as np

from mici.errors import ConvergenceError, LinAlgError

    from mici.states import ChainState
    from import (
    from mici.types import ArrayFunction, ArrayLike, ScalarFunction

[docs]def euclidean_norm(vct): """Calculate the Euclidean (L-2) norm of a vector.""" return (vct**2).sum() ** 0.5
[docs]def maximum_norm(vct): """Calculate the maximum (L-infinity) norm of a vector.""" return (abs(vct)).max()
[docs]class FixedPointSolver(Protocol): """Solver for fixed point equation :code:`func(x) = x`."""
[docs] def __call__(self, func: ArrayFunction, x0: ArrayLike, **kwargs) -> ArrayLike: """Solve fixed point equation. Args: func: Function to solve for fixed point of. x0: Point to initialize solver at. Returns: Fixed point solved for. """
[docs]def solve_fixed_point_direct( func: ArrayFunction, x0: ArrayLike, convergence_tol: float = 1e-9, divergence_tol: float = 1e10, max_iters: int = 100, norm: ScalarFunction = maximum_norm, ) -> ArrayLike: """Solve fixed point equation :code:`func(x) = x` using direct iteration. Args: func: Function to find fixed point of. x0: Initial state (function argument). convergence_tol: Convergence tolerance - solver successfully terminates when :code:`norm(func(x) - x) < convergence_tol`. divergence_tol: Divergence tolerance - solver aborts if :code:`norm(func(x) - x) > divergence_tol` on any iteration. max_iters: Maximum number of iterations before raising exception. norm: Norm to use to assess convergence. Returns: Solution to fixed point equation with :code:`norm(func(x) - x) < convergence_tol`. Raises: mici.errors.ConvergenceError: If solver does not converge within :code:`max_iters` iterations, diverges or encounters a :py:exc:`ValueError` during the iteration. """ for i in range(max_iters): try: x = func(x0) error = norm(x - x0) if error > divergence_tol or np.isnan(error): msg = ( f"Fixed point iteration diverged on iteration {i}. " f"Last error={error:.1e}." ) raise ConvergenceError(msg) if error < convergence_tol: return x x0 = x except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: # Make robust to errors in intermediate linear algebra ops msg = f"{type(e)} at iteration {i} of fixed point solver ({e})." raise ConvergenceError(msg) from e msg = f"Fixed point iteration did not converge. Last error={error:.1e}." raise ConvergenceError(msg)
[docs]def solve_fixed_point_steffensen( func: ArrayFunction, x0: ArrayLike, convergence_tol: float = 1e-9, divergence_tol: float = 1e10, max_iters: int = 100, norm: ScalarFunction = maximum_norm, ) -> ArrayLike: """Solve fixed point equation :code:`func(x) = x` using Steffensen's method. Steffennsen's method achieves quadratic convergence but at the cost of two function evaluations per iteration so for functions where convergence is achieved in a small number of iterations, direct iteration may be cheaper. Args: func: Function to find fixed point of. x0: Initial state (function argument). convergence_tol: Convergence tolerance - solver successfully terminates when :code:`norm(func(x) - x) < convergence_tol`. divergence_tol: Divergence tolerance - solver aborts if :code:`norm(func(x) - x) > divergence_tol` on any iteration. max_iters: Maximum number of iterations before raising exception. norm: Norm to use to assess convergence. Returns: Solution to fixed point equation with :code:`norm(func(x) - x) < convergence_tol`. Raises: mici.errors.ConvergenceError: If solver does not converge within :code:`max_iters` iterations, diverges or encounters a :py:exc:`ValueError` during the iteration. """ for i in range(max_iters): try: x1 = func(x0) x2 = func(x1) denom = x2 - 2 * x1 + x0 # Set any zero values in denominator of update term to smalllest # floating point value to prevent divide-by-zero errors denom[abs(denom) == 0.0] = np.finfo(x0.dtype).eps x = x0 - (x1 - x0) ** 2 / denom error = norm(x - x0) if error > divergence_tol or np.isnan(error): msg = ( f"Fixed point iteration diverged on iteration {i}. " f"Last error={error:.1e}." ) raise ConvergenceError(msg) if error < convergence_tol: return x x0 = x except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: # Make robust to errors in intermediate linear algebra ops msg = f"{type(e)} at iteration {i} of fixed point solver ({e})." raise ConvergenceError(msg) from e msg = f"Fixed point iteration did not converge. Last error={error:.1e}." raise ConvergenceError(msg)
[docs]class ProjectionSolver(Protocol): r"""Solver for projection on to manifold step in constrained integrator. Solves an equation of the form .. math:: r(\lambda) = c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)) = 0, for the vector of Lagrange multipliers :math:`\lambda` to project a point on to the manifold defined by the zero level set of a constraint function :math:`c`, with :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` the flow map for the :math:`h_2` Hamiltonian component for the system restricted to the position component output. The map :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` is assumed to be linear in its second (momentum) argument. """
[docs] def __call__( self, state: ChainState, state_prev: ChainState, time_step: float, system: ConstrainedTractableFlowSystem, **kwargs, ) -> ChainState: """Solve for projection on to manifold step. Args: state: Current chain state after unconstrained step. state_prev: Previous chain state on manifold. time_step: Integrator time step for unconstrained step. system: Hamiltonian system constrained dynamics are being simulated for. Returns: Chain state after projection on to manifold. """ ...
[docs]def solve_projection_onto_manifold_quasi_newton( state: ChainState, state_prev: ChainState, time_step: float, system: ConstrainedEuclideanMetricSystem, constraint_tol: float = 1e-9, position_tol: float = 1e-8, divergence_tol: float = 1e10, max_iters: int = 50, norm: ScalarFunction = maximum_norm, ) -> ChainState: r"""Solve constraint equation using symmetric quasi-Newton method. Only requires re-evaluating the constraint function :code:`system.constr` within the solver loop and no recomputation of matrix decompositions on each iteration. Solves an equation of the form .. math:: r(\lambda) = c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)) = 0, for the vector of Lagrange multipliers :math:`\lambda` to project a point on to the manifold defined by the zero level set of a constraint function :math:`c`, with :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` the flow map for the :math:`h_2` Hamiltonian component for the system restricted to the position component output. The Jacobian of the residual function :math:`r` is .. math:: \partial r(\lambda) = \partial c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)) \partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda) \partial c(q)^T where :math:`\partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))` is the Jacobian of the (position restricted) flow-map :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` with respect to its second (momentum) argument. We assume here that :math:`\Phi_{2,1}(t)` is linear in its second (momentum) argument, such that :math:`\partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)` is constant with respect to :math:`\lambda`, and henceforth use the shorthand :math:`\partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))` to refer to this matrix. The full Newton update is .. math:: \lambda' = \lambda - \partial r(\lambda)^{-1} r(\lambda) which requires evaluating :math:`\partial c` on each iteration and solving a linear system in the residual Jacobian :math:`\partial r(\lambda)`. The symmetric quasi-Newton iteration instead uses the approximation .. math:: \partial c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T\lambda)) \partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t)) \partial c(q)^T \approx \partial c(q) \partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t)) \partial c(q)^T with the corresponding update .. math:: \lambda' = \lambda - (\partial c(q) \partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t)) \partial c(q)^T)^{-1} r(\lambda) allowing a previously computed decomposition of the matrix .. math:: \partial c(q) \partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t)) \partial c(q)^T, to be used to solve the linear system in each iteration with no requirement to evaluate :math:`\partial c` (:code:`system.jacob_constr`) on each iteration. Args: state: Post :code:`h2_flow` update state to project. state_prev: Previous state in co-tangent bundle before :code:`h2_flow` update which defines the co-tangent space to perform projection in. time_step: Integrator time step used in :code:`h2_flow` update. system: Hamiltonian system defining :code:`h2_flow` and :code:`constr` functions used to define constraint equation to solve. constraint_tol: Convergence tolerance in constraint space. Iteration will continue until :code:`norm(constr(pos)) < constraint_tol` where :code:`pos` is the position at the current iteration. position_tol: Convergence tolerance in position space. Iteration will continue until :code:`norm(delta_pos) < position_tol` where :code:`delta_pos` is the change in the position in the current iteration. divergence_tol: Divergence tolerance - solver aborts if :code:`norm(constr(pos)) > divergence_tol` on any iteration where :code:`pos` is the position at the current iteration and raises :py:exc:`mici.errors.ConvergenceError`. max_iters: Maximum number of iterations to perform before aborting and raising :py:exc:`mici.errors.ConvergenceError`. norm: Norm to use to test for convergence. Returns: Updated state object with position component satisfying constraint equation to within :code:`constraint_tol`, i.e. :code:`norm(system.constr(state.pos)) < constraint_tol`. Raises: mici.errors.ConvergenceError: If solver does not converge within :code:`max_iters` iterations, diverges or encounters a :py:exc:`ValueError` during the iteration. """ mu = np.zeros_like(state.pos) jacob_constr_prev = system.jacob_constr(state_prev) # Use absolute value of dt and adjust for sign of dt in mom update below dh2_flow_pos_dmom, dh2_flow_mom_dmom = system.dh2_flow_dmom( state_prev, abs(time_step), ) inv_jacob_constr_inner_product = system.jacob_constr_inner_product( jacob_constr_prev, dh2_flow_pos_dmom, ).inv for i in range(max_iters): try: constr = system.constr(state) error = norm(constr) delta_mu = jacob_constr_prev.T @ (inv_jacob_constr_inner_product @ constr) delta_pos = dh2_flow_pos_dmom @ delta_mu if error > divergence_tol or np.isnan(error): msg = ( f"Quasi-Newton solver diverged on iteration {i}. " f"Last |constr|={error:.1e}, |delta_pos|={norm(delta_pos):.1e}." ) raise ConvergenceError(msg) if error < constraint_tol and norm(delta_pos) < position_tol: -= np.sign(time_step) * dh2_flow_mom_dmom @ mu return state mu += delta_mu state.pos -= delta_pos except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: # Make robust to errors in intermediate linear algebra ops msg = f"{type(e)} at iteration {i} of quasi-Newton solver ({e})." raise ConvergenceError(msg) from e msg = ( f"Quasi-Newton solver did not converge with {max_iters} iterations. " f"Last |constr|={error:.1e}, |delta_pos|={norm(delta_pos)}." ) raise ConvergenceError(msg)
[docs]def solve_projection_onto_manifold_newton( state: ChainState, state_prev: ChainState, time_step: float, system: ConstrainedEuclideanMetricSystem, constraint_tol: float = 1e-9, position_tol: float = 1e-8, divergence_tol: float = 1e10, max_iters: int = 50, norm: ScalarFunction = maximum_norm, ) -> ChainState: r"""Solve constraint equation using Newton's method. Requires re-evaluating both the constraint function :code:`system.constr` and constraint Jacobian :code:`system.jacob_constr` within the solver loop and computation of matrix decompositions on each iteration. Solves an equation of the form .. math:: r(\lambda) = c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)) = 0, for the vector of Lagrange multipliers :math:`\lambda` to project a point on to the manifold defined by the zero level set of a constraint function :math:`c`, with :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` the flow map for the :math:`h_2` Hamiltonian component for the system restricted to the position component output. The Jacobian of the residual function :math:`r` is .. math:: \partial r(\lambda) = \partial c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)) \partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda) \partial c(q)^T where :math:`\partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))` is the Jacobian of the (position restricted) flow-map :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` with respect to its second (momentum) argument. We assume here that :math:`\Phi_{2,1}(t)` is linear in its second (momentum) argument, such that :math:`\partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)` is constant with respect to :math:`\lambda`. The full Newton update is .. math:: \lambda' = \lambda - \partial r(\lambda)^{-1} r(\lambda) which requires evaluating :math:`\partial c` on each iteration and solving a linear system in the residual Jacobian :math:`\partial r(\lambda)`. Args: state: Post :code:`h2_flow` update state to project. state_prev: Previous state in co-tangent bundle before :code:`h2_flow` update which defines the co-tangent space to perform projection in. time_step: Integrator time step used in :code:`h2_flow` update. system: Hamiltonian system defining :code:`h2_flow` and :code:`constr` functions used to define constraint equation to solve. constraint_tol: Convergence tolerance in constraint space. Iteration will continue until :code:`norm(constr(pos)) < constraint_tol` where :code:`pos` is the position at the current iteration. position_tol: Convergence tolerance in position space. Iteration will continue until :code:`norm(delta_pos) < position_tol` where :code:`delta_pos` is the change in the position in the current iteration. divergence_tol: Divergence tolerance - solver aborts if :code:`norm(constr(pos)) > divergence_tol` on any iteration where :code:`pos` is the position at the current iteration and raises :py:exc:`mici.errors.ConvergenceError`. max_iters: Maximum number of iterations to perform before aborting and raising :py:exc:`mici.errors.ConvergenceError`. norm: Norm to use to test for convergence. Returns: Updated state object with position component satisfying constraint equation to within :code:`constraint_tol`, i.e. :code:`norm(system.constr(state.pos)) < constraint_tol`. Raises: mici.errors.ConvergenceError: If solver does not converge within :code:`max_iters` iterations, diverges or encounters a :py:exc:`ValueError` during the iteration. """ mu = np.zeros_like(state.pos) jacob_constr_prev = system.jacob_constr(state_prev) # Use absolute value of dt and adjust for sign of dt in mom update below dh2_flow_pos_dmom, dh2_flow_mom_dmom = system.dh2_flow_dmom( state_prev, abs(time_step), ) for i in range(max_iters): try: jacob_constr = system.jacob_constr(state) constr = system.constr(state) error = norm(constr) delta_mu = jacob_constr_prev.T @ ( system.jacob_constr_inner_product( jacob_constr, dh2_flow_pos_dmom, jacob_constr_prev, ).inv def solve_projection_onto_manifold_newton_with_line_search( state: ChainState, state_prev: ChainState, time_step: float, system: ConstrainedEuclideanMetricSystem, constraint_tol: float = 1e-9, position_tol: float = 1e-8, divergence_tol: float = 1e10, max_iters: int = 50, max_line_search_iters: int = 10, norm: ScalarFunction = maximum_norm, ) -> ChainState: r"""Solve constraint equation using Newton's method with backtracking line-search. Requires re-evaluating both the constraint function :code:`system.constr` and constraint Jacobian :code:`system.jacob_constr` within the solver loop and computation of matrix decompositions on each iteration. Solves an equation of the form .. math:: r(\lambda) = c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)) = 0, for the vector of Lagrange multipliers :math:`\lambda` to project a point on to the manifold defined by the zero level set of a constraint function :math:`c`, with :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` the flow map for the :math:`h_2` Hamiltonian component for the system restricted to the position component output. The Jacobian of the residual function :math:`r` is .. math:: \partial r(\lambda) = \partial c(\Phi_{2,1}(t)(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)) \partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda) \partial c(q)^T where :math:`\partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))` is the Jacobian of the (position restricted) flow-map :math:`\Phi_{2,1}` with respect to its second (momentum) argument. We assume here that :math:`\Phi_{2,1}(t)` is linear in its second (momentum) argument, such that :math:`\partial_2 (\Phi_{2,1}(t))(q, p + \partial c(q)^T \lambda)` is constant with respect to :math:`\lambda`. The scaled Newton update is .. math:: \lambda'(\alpha) = \lambda - \alpha \partial r(\lambda)^{-1} r(\lambda) which requires evaluating :math:`\partial c` on each iteration and solving a linear system in the residual Jacobian :math:`\partial r(\lambda)`. The step size :math:`\alpha \in [0, 1]` is initialised at :math:`\alpha = 1` with a backtracking line search performed by multiplying :math:`\alpha` by 0.5 until :math:`|r(\lambda'(\alpha))| < |r(\lambda)`. Args: state: Post :code:`h2_flow` update state to project. state_prev: Previous state in co-tangent bundle before :code:`h2_flow` update which defines the co-tangent space to perform projection in. time_step: Integrator time step used in :code:`h2_flow` update. system: Hamiltonian system defining :code:`h2_flow` and :code:`constr` functions used to define constraint equation to solve. constraint_tol: Convergence tolerance in constraint space. Iteration will continue until :code:`norm(constr(pos)) < constraint_tol` where :code:`pos` is the position at the current iteration. position_tol: Convergence tolerance in position space. Iteration will continue until :code:`norm(delta_pos) < position_tol` where :code:`delta_pos` is the change in the position in the current iteration. divergence_tol: Divergence tolerance - solver aborts if :code:`norm(constr(pos)) > divergence_tol` on any iteration where :code:`pos` is the position at the current iteration and raises :py:exc:`mici.errors.ConvergenceError`. max_iters: Maximum number of iterations to perform before aborting and raising :py:exc:`mici.errors.ConvergenceError`. max_line_search_iters: Maximum number of 'inner' line search iterations to perform to try to find step size along search direction which decreases residual norm. norm: Norm to use to test for convergence. Returns: Updated state object with position component satisfying constraint equation to within :code:`constraint_tol`, i.e. :code:`norm(system.constr(state.pos)) < constraint_tol`. Raises: mici.errors.ConvergenceError: If solver does not converge within :code:`max_iters` iterations, diverges or encounters a :py:exc:`ValueError` during the iteration. """ mu = np.zeros_like(state.pos) jacob_constr_prev = system.jacob_constr(state_prev) # Use absolute value of dt and adjust for sign of dt in mom update below dh2_flow_pos_dmom, dh2_flow_mom_dmom = system.dh2_flow_dmom( state_prev, abs(time_step), ) # Initialize with dummy values to avoid undefined name linter errors delta_pos, step_size = None, None for i in range(max_iters): try: jacob_constr = system.jacob_constr(state) constr = system.constr(state) error = norm(constr) if i > 0 and (error > divergence_tol or np.isnan(error)): msg = ( f"Newton solver diverged at iteration {i}. " f"Last |constr|={error:.1e}, |delta_pos|={norm(delta_pos):.1e}." ) raise ConvergenceError(msg) if error < constraint_tol and ( i == 0 or norm(step_size * delta_pos) < position_tol ): -= np.sign(time_step) * dh2_flow_mom_dmom @ mu return state delta_mu = jacob_constr_prev.T @ ( system.jacob_constr_inner_product( jacob_constr, dh2_flow_pos_dmom, jacob_constr_prev, ).inv @ constr ) delta_pos = -dh2_flow_pos_dmom @ delta_mu pos_curr = state.pos.copy() step_size = 1.0 for _ in range(max_line_search_iters): state.pos = pos_curr + step_size * delta_pos new_error = norm(system.constr(state)) if new_error < error: break step_size *= 0.5 mu += step_size * delta_mu except (ValueError, LinAlgError) as e: # Make robust to errors in intermediate linear algebra ops msg = f"{type(e)} at iteration {i} of Newton solver ({e})." raise ConvergenceError(msg) from e msg = ( f"Newton solver did not converge in {max_iters} iterations. " f"Last |constr|={error:.1e}, |delta_pos|={norm(step_size * delta_pos)}." ) raise ConvergenceError(msg)