Source code for mici.autodiff

"""Automatic differentation fallback for constructing derivative functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from mici import autograd_wrapper

    from typing import Callable, Optional

"""List of names of valid differential operators.

Any automatic differentiation framework wrapper module will need to provide all of these
operators as callables (with a single function as argument) to fully support all of the
required derivative functions.
    # vector Jacobian product and value
    # gradient and value for scalar valued functions
    # Hessian matrix, gradient and value for scalar valued functions
    # matrix Tressian product, gradient and value for scalar valued functions
    # Jacobian matrix and value for vector valued functions
    # matrix Hessian product, Jacobian matrix and value for vector valued functions

[docs]def autodiff_fallback( diff_func: Optional[Callable], func: Callable, diff_op_name: str, name: str, ) -> Callable: """Generate derivative function automatically if not provided. Uses automatic differentiation to generate a function corresponding to a differential operator applied to a function if an alternative implementation of the derivative function has not been provided. Args: diff_func: Either a callable implementing the required derivative function or `None` if none was provided. func: Function to differentiate. diff_op_name: String specifying name of differential operator from automatic differentiation framework wrapper to use to generate required derivative function. name: Name of derivative function to use in error message. Returns: `diff_func` value if not `None` otherwise generated derivative of `func` by applying named differential operator. """ if diff_func is not None: return diff_func elif diff_op_name not in DIFF_OPS: msg = f"Differential operator {diff_op_name} is not defined." raise ValueError(msg) elif autograd_wrapper.AUTOGRAD_AVAILABLE: return getattr(autograd_wrapper, diff_op_name)(func) elif not autograd_wrapper.AUTOGRAD_AVAILABLE: msg = f"Autograd not available therefore {name} must be provided." raise ValueError(msg) return None